Monday, February 3, 2014

A Few New Thrifting Finds

The Husband and I had to run back to our old town of residence to turn off one of our contract phones and activate a pre-pay phone(yes, we are stepping back into the dark ages. Seventy dollars a month in savings buys a lot of groceries!), so we stopped by a few of our favorite thrifting spots and picked up a few things.

I added to my planter/vase obsession.

How could I not? These ladies are gorgeous. And they were very inexpensive. Rita Hayworth(on the right) needs a little work, but it is nothing that a good paint pen won't fix.

I also picked up a cute little plaque for my studio.

"A Friend Always Listens With Love".

I feel like that is probably a good policy for a parent to adopt as well...

And, I probably shouldn't have, but they had a pile of button jars, so I brought two home. I wasn't going to, but The Husband pressed me, and I faltered.

He is such an enabler.


Now I just need to find the time to clean these, and the four or five other jar's worth of buttons I've collected over the past year.

If only there were forty-eight hours in each day!

Or, clones. That might be better.

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